Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Stansbury Mountains Freehike - April 2008

During the first week of April it was great to meet a Skinny Tripper from Canada, BC. Ddoger came to Salt Lake City for LDS General Conference. PJ and I met him for dinner Thursday night and had a fun time talking (unfortunately clothed); he loves to talk.

Friday Ddoger, Lee, and I took a freehike west of the Stansbury Mountains (west of Salt Lake City). (We had hoped to hike to Diamond Fork for a soak, but the weather didn’t cooperate.)

(PJ decided to stay at home as Ddoger’s spouse is still reluctant and PJ didn’t want to create potential problems.)

We forgot the camera (too bad), but enjoyed a short hike (perhaps 1 ½ hours) through the foothills and juniper trees at the base of the mountains. Ddoger said the area looked very much like his place in Canada. I asked if the Skinny Trippers might plan a visit there. He said as soon as his wife came to understand; hopefully that will be soon.

The area was beautiful, and as always the sun and light breeze felt great on our naked bodies as we hiked.

It was great to talk, compare ideas, and get to know each other. What other positive activity besides naturism offers such a chance to meet people and quickly get to know them in such a personal way? It was great to meet and hike with Ddoger.

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