Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Our Day Freegardening and Freehiking

Even though it was heavily overcast and cool on Monday, PJ and I spent most of the day gardening nude in Dellymaze Park at Olive Dell Ranch. The weeds had grown up to two feet tall due to frequent rains this spring. It was definitely time to do some weeding.

John, dressed only in a shirt and shoes, dropped off the resort’s weed eater and some gas, and I got started. I don’t necessarily recommend operating a weed eater nude, because it has a tendency to throw up small rocks, but it made the task much more enjoyable. Besides, my clothes didn’t end up covered with small bits of green that easily washed off my body when PJ and I showered afterwards. PJ pulled weeds along the trail, while I operated the weed eater. I also pulled a few weeds and cleared out dead branches from a tree near one trail.

After an enjoyable day freegardening, Dellmaze Park looks mowed and beautiful, ready for visitors - I hope some of you drop by.

Later in the afternoon I freehiked the Olive Dell Nature Trail and repaired several signs. A few raindrops fell as I hiked. Still, the trek felt wonderful, even after a day gardening in the nude. There is something utterly and uniquely pleasurable about freehiking. I was reminded yet again how fantastic freehiking feels – even on a cool day.

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