Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Desert Freehiking

“The weather has improved enough to get back out to the desert. . . for a couple five mile hikes. It is still nice being able to leave everything in my vehicle and strike out nude. . . I've been drawn to a kumeyaay area where I've finally spotted some petroglyphs. There are a few desert flowers starting to bloom . . . I hiked out about 2-3 miles to a flat sandy area with a rock outcropping . . . I was again pondering the previous inhabitants and was looking at some rock carvings. The day was much more pleasant than yesterday and I was enjoying the warm breeze leaning on my hiking pole. . . my eyes were drawn upward to spy a golden eagle riding the thermals above me. I watched him in envy a few minutes and returned my attention to the hum which turned out to be a swarm of bees that were taking advantage of the early blossoms of the tall bush next to me. . . Even with the wind the temperature was not bad and since nude hiking opportunities are much appreciated by me I pressed on further into the desert. . . Much of the area is referred to as Badlands for it is desolate and the terrain appears harsh at times from a distance. I think it is only when you walk amongst it that the beauty and thriving life is evident if you’re open to it and being naked your whole body is open.” - Jay

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