Saturday, February 26, 2011

El Passo Morning Freehike

Today, Wednesday, February 23rd, I was blessed to be able to spend the morning freehiking east of El Paso. Freehiking is such wonderful exercise, and combined with an understanding of the importance of vitamin D, I know it is wonderfully healthy.

I followed the wide rocky wash from the main dirt road up into the hidden valley I had visited during my hike on Saturday, clear to the end of the wash, and then hiked a few minutes over to the ridge where I was greeted with a wonderfully expansive view of the valley - El Paso in the distance. (See photos at: )

As I hiked back to the car, several questions came to mind:

First - Why am I so completely comfortable hiking nude? Why does freehiking feel so normal and natural?

I've wondered at the way I’ve become so totally comfortable over the years hiking nude. I used to anyways be alert, listening carefully for the least indication that I might run into someone. Now I can’t even imagine why someone would hike in sweaty clothes - yucky. I’ve probably become too relaxed with nude hiking. Saturday people were shooting some distance from my hiking route, and I suspect they noticed me, but as a confirmed naturist I find that doesn’t matter at all anymore. I have only very seldom met clothed hikers on the trail, and am not motivated at all by exhibitionism, but I’ve about ceased worrying about meeting a textile. After all, I’m a nudist, and nude is how God intended us to hike.

Second - Why does freehiking make working more productive?

After freehiking, I find myself much more relaxed and creative at work. After a few freehikes this weekend, and without lots of effort, I came up with a creative way to solve a marketing issue – something that had not been thought up before. I’m relaxed and simply more productive at work.

Finally - Where are the west Texas nudists? Are there are any other nudists/freehikers in all of western Texas?

PJ and I took a traveling work assignment, partially with the intention of meeting new naturist friends. We didn’t discover any in Odessa or Lubbock, and now, even advertising our presence in El Paso and sharing the existence of some wonderful freehiking areas, no one volunteers to participate. Why? I suspect it is cultural. But that’s another discussion.

For now, let us know if you’re a west Texas naturist who would like some nice naturist friends. Perhaps we can get together to enjoy freehikling in the healthy, west Texas sun.

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