Saturday, December 3, 2011

Get Naked After Work At Therme Erding

"Some people go to the local bar after a long day at the office to unwind, but how about getting naked with your co-workers instead for some after work decompression time? On the outskirts of Munich, in a place called Bavaria, co-workers aren’t heading out for drinks on a Friday night. For 40 euros or $55.00US, they’re heading to Therme Erding, Europe’s largest thermal spa where clothing is not allowed in the largest section of the 36-acre playground called Vitality Oasis where an electronic bracelet gets you through the gate of this Eden."

I love this idea and simply have to visit some time. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a US version?

Read the rest of the article at


1 comment:

  1. Found you, Ken and PJ! Guess what I found out about the events before the Creation?
